Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jacob's new "obsession".

Kung Fu Panda!!!!  Jacob "loves" the "panda" right now.  His Daddy took him to see the movie and when he got home from the movie he just kept talking about it.  Jacob had gotten some playdough from a friend and had his Daddy "make" pandas out of all four colors.  We also have to watch the preview (OnDemand) every night about 4-5 times.  Jacob's Daddy and Pepaw got Happy Meals for about week to get all of the characters from the movie.  We also have a story book and a sticker book of Kung Fu Panda.  This will be one movie we will have to purchase the day it's released on DVD.  And we will gladly watch it as many times as he wants.


Kim said...

Hi Kara - what a beautiful family!!!Congratulations on the new baby girl!! We have a cousin named Anna Kate. Carley's middle name is Kate and Caroline's midle name is Rae. Do you love nursing? it is a great career! I taught for 7 yrs before the girls. it is great to see you!Kim

Jennifer said...

Mikayla really wants to see this movie - could Jacob take her?

Melissa Lester said...

Hi, Kara! I'm so glad to find you here! You have a lovely family. I am trying out Facebook, but I live on my blog. Hope you'll come for a visit!