We watched the first football game of the season watching it with some of our friends. It was a surprise party for our friend Bartley's 30th birthday. We watched it at the Capital Theater in their amazing room upstairs. Well, we all know how the game ended, but we had a wonderful time with our friends. And Jacob had a fabulous time playing with Abby Hall, Brody McMurray, Chloe and Claire Chaffin, and Kylie McMurray.

Jacob in his football jersey. He loves wearing football stuff. He kept asking for a helmet. Which, of course, we don't have one. But he knows that his Daddy has some at his school. Well, he can't wear any of those until they are cleaned out really, really well.

The kids: Anna Kate, Jacob, Claire, Chloe, Brody, Brandt, and Abby. It's not easy getting seven kids ages 3 and under to pose for a pic. But we think they did pretty good for this one.

Anna Kate being loved on by our friend Melissa Porter.

Jacob and Anna Kate at home for their pic in their UT garb. Jacob loves his little sister. We are so lucky to have been blessed with our great children. And our great friends to hang out with.
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