Emily, not knowing I am taking her picture.
Olivia lying beside Anna Kate acting like she is asleep. She can't wait for Anna Kate to be big enough to play with her.
Michael, David, Andrew, Emily and Melissa.
Andrew and his new wife, Vicki!
Jacob, Preston, and Brannon laying on MeeMaw's bedroom floor.
Braxton, Olivia, Jacob, Anna Kate, Preston, Grant, and Brannon
Olivia and her Tiara in a exer-saucer she is too big for. But having loads of fun.
Jacob, also in the exer-saucer that he is too big for. Also having loads of fun.
Brannon, Braxton, and Preston watching Chicken Little.
Ben, Melissa, Preston, and Grant came in for the Labor Day weekend. We were all able to be together on Saturday night and have dinner together. PeePaw was flying, so he was unable to be with us. We had a great time. All the kids seemed to get along just great and were very well behaved. We all had a nice time.
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