Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jacob Baumann Bob the Builder

My parents came to visit one weekend, and we did our usually routine.  We go eat dinner, then go for a shopping trip to Target.  Jacob always has to go down the toy aisle.  He usually leaves empty handed, but that's not always the case when Nana and Papa are with us.  This particular trip his Papa was taking him down the toy aisles.  Jacob knows which aisles he likes to go down.  Papa told him he could pick one toy and he chose a Bob the Builder play set.  We are always amazed at all of the characters he seems to know about.  He must "learn" about them at "school".  Because we had know clue he knew about Bob the Builder.  When we got home, he had to immediately start playing with it.  He really had fun playing with it.  When asked if he was Bob the Builder, his response was, "I JacobBaumannBobtheBuilder. "  And yes, I meant to write it all as one word, because that is the way it comes out of Jacob's mouth.