Friday, September 18, 2009

Long time, No write

When I quit my job, I had great intentions of keeping up with this blogging thing. Well, those intentions didn't last very long. The only excuse I really have is that I got lazy. I could say that life got in the way but, what an overused excuse. Yes life is there. But we sure don't let it get in the way of some things. Like spending endless hours on facebook, going to Target or the mall and spending money we don't have, and so many other time wasting "activities". So, in the mornings when I usually sit here at the computer looking at facebook waiting for someone to post something interesting, cool or absurd; I will instead try to post something on here. Even if it is just a one sentence post (but not likely to happen). Enjoy your weekend. Posting on the weekends won't be happening. Just hope I remember to post on Monday.


Donna said...

Yeah! Glad to see you back!